Internet Marketing - How To Turn Blogging Into A Successful Career
Many people blog. In fact, there are more bloggers out there now than
ever before. What seems to fascinate many about blogging is that it can
actually become a career, believe it or not. However, just sitting down
at your computer and typing is not going to make you rich. So how do
you make a living blogging? There are a number of things you can do
that will help. Here, though, are a few tips that will get you started
and show you how to turn blogging into a successful career.
First of all, you have to have a blog in order to make money from a blog.
Easy Affiliation!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
How To Turn Blogging Into A Successful Career
how to,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Step-By-Step How Anyone Can Make Money With Adsense
Adsense is a Google advertising tool that is placed on your website.
The ads that are shown on the website are determined by your content – the
text on your website.
If you have pages and pages of articles on a certain topic, such as
"Internet Marketing" then the ads shown will be all be related to that topic.
Your webpages should contain keyword related to internet marketing such as
"email marketing", "Adsense", "ebooks", "web traffic", "affiliate programs" etc…
Therefore the visitor on your website will likely click on the ads since they
have an interest in them. Otherwise they wouldn't be reading your article in
the first place.
how to,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Link Building - Do It Right Or Don't Do It At All
Link Building - Do It Right Or Don't Do It At All
Link building is a tricky deal. Links may either shoot up your
website popularity or raise red flags with search engines standards
and make your site slide down in search results.
But why is it that link building cuts both ends when it comes
to website optimization and what's the point behind it all?
Years ago link building was just about getting as many links as
one could. But the times have changed and link building is a
different beast today. Now Google makes everyone who is engaged
in link building process sweat the big stuff. It practices the quality
approach evaluating each link to numerous criteria to surface the
sites having only premium quality backlinks profiles.
That's why every website promoter must keep in mind: one must
either do link building right or don't do it at all.
However some folks are tempted to get quick results overnight.
They utilize link building practices that may actually hurt their
SEO campaigns a great deal over time. Here is the list of 5
commandments that will help you avoid committing 5 deadly link
building sings.
# 1 Keep it relevant
No matter how many links are pointing to your website they won't
mean squat if they are sitting on irrelevant industry websites. The
point is that Google tries to think like an ordinary website visitor.
If a visitor seesthe link pointing, let's say, to the website about
second-hand cars on the site about dieting pills he is unlikely to
click it.
Google acts the same way that's why such a link is not going to
bring any SEO benefit. Google made large strides to enhance
relevancy criteria in its algo, so that unscrupulous website promoters
can't blanket links across vast amounts of irrelevant sites any more.
# 2 Check who your neighbors are
Always take care of your web-neighborhood. Keep away from the
places called Link Farms or FFA sites! It may be tempting to get
some links fast and free but that may slash your link building efforts
and you'll have to start everything from scratch.
Neighborhood with sites that have bad reputation (e.g. porn or
spam distributing websites) can negatively reflect on your website's
rankings. Google may automatically assume that you are one of
the bad guys and lower your positions in search results.
link building,
social network,
Friday, September 24, 2010
Forex Is The Best and More Lucrative Home Based Business?
Forex Is The Best and More Lucrative Home Based Business?
The first reason why you should trade the forex market is because
it is the most lucrative home based business. Although It is not a
new market, it is still unknown by non traders. It is more amazing
when you know that most of the traders are not aware of the huge
opportunity of the forex. The Forex or Foreign Exchange Currency
Market is open to the public since 1998.
With the economic situation today and the fear of most of the people
worldwide to wake up a morning and be jobless, without resources
to feed their family, there is an increasing need in lucrative home
based business.
home business,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits
1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This
is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit
or use a strong close like a free bonus.
2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your
web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your
traffic, sales and e-zine subscribers.
3. Create multiple streams of income with your web
site. You could sell your own products, join affiliate
programs, sell advertising space, etc.
10 Innovative Ways To Use Your Autoresponder
1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get
an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who
requests information from your autoresponder.
2. Publish a price list of all the products and services
that you offer. You could also include order forms,
product descriptions, and other sales material.
3. Publish free reports in autoresponder format. The
reports should be related to your business or web site.
Giving away free stuff will quickly increase your traffic.
10 ways,
10 Intriguing Ways To Propel Your Online Sales
1. Add extra subjects to your web site. Most free
ad sites only allow you to submit your web site to
one category. This'll allow you to submit it to many.
2. Increase the perceived value of your product by
making your offer scarce. You could use limited
time bonuses, low prices, low quantities, etc.
3. Find out your competitions' weakness and use it
as your "Unique Selling Proposition". It's the reason
why people buy your products and not theirs.
10 ways,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Social Media Boosts Small Business Marketing Efforts

Only 37 percent of small businesses say they are highly successful at coming up
with new ideas to grow their business compared to 47 percent last year, according
to a new report from Network Solutions.
Has social media helped you market your business?
Let us know in the comments.
“Creative thinking and the determination to push the limits on innovation
are the hallmark characteristics of entrepreneurs,” says Tim Kelly, CEO,
Network Solutions, an advocate of small business success.
“Having a strong presence on the Web gives business owners a great launch pad
to showcase their innovative spirit and build brand awareness for the products
and services they offer.”
social network
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Why the New Twitter May Benefit Businesses and Marketers Greatly
"Twitter has always been about getting a lot in a little," writes CEO
Evan Williams. "The constraint of 140 characters drives conciseness
and lets you quickly discover and share what's happening. Yet, we've
learned something since starting Twitter—life doesn't always fit into
140 characters or less."
Twitter has partnered with Dailybooth, DeviantArt, Etsy, Flickr,
Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, Twitvid,
USTREAM, Vimeo, Yfrog, and YouTube to make tweeted content more
useful directly from itself. Users will have less reason
to click away from the site.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Affiliate Marketing as Extra Income
Affiliate marketing is cheap to set up, being a home business. Apart from
setting up the home office itself, there are more costs involved in setting it
up and get it running smoothly. Stuff like office tables, chairs and other
home office accessories can get a little expensive depending on your choices,
tastes and aesthetic sense.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
10 Incredible Ways To Sell Your Products Now
1. Make your reader visualize they have already
bought your product in your ad. Tell them what
results they have gotten and how it makes them
feel. They'll already become emotionally attached
before they buy.
2. Turn your ad into an article. It could be a story,
or how-to article. This will lead them into your ad
without them knowing it's an ad. They'll already be
interested when they get to your sales pitch.
3. Make sure you show your reader that they are
getting a bargain. Tell them the usual price you sell
your product for is $99. Then tell them if they
order today they can buy it for $69.95.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Optimal Linking for SEO: 10 Useful Tips for New Sites
As SEO experts are bound to point out, it's a process that needs to be carried on
over time and considered whenever you make any changes to your site. As a new
site you'll need strategies to assist you in climbing the ladder to good Internet ranking
placement as quickly as possible.
Here are 10 very useful tips on links and linking architecture for anyone with an
interest in SEO, and if you're involved in marketing of any kind over the Internet,
then that's you.
1. Think About Who Links to You
You'll already know the value of reputation when it comes to marketing your
product or service. If sites that are associated with good quality products are
clearly seen by users and search engines to link to your own then this will reflect
well on you.
Pay close attention to the number of .com and sites that link to you,
for example, and think carefully about ways in which you can encourage others
to do likewise.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines
1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself
by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include
your name, business name, your credentials, web site
address and e-mail address in your resource box.
2. You will become known as an expert on the topics
you write about. This will give you and your business
extra credibility which will help you compete against
your competition.
3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's
home page. If they publish each issue on their home
page this will give you some extra exposure.
10 Awesome Ways To Attract More Orders
1. Maximize the effectiveness of your banner ads.
Don't just use the same ad on every banner, use a
variety to attract the greatest number of clickers.
2. Make your web site load much faster by cutting
down on banner ads and start using more buttons.
Button ads are also smaller and take up less space.
3. Offer free advertising space to well known and
respected companies on your web site. Sometimes
people link their business credibility to yours.
10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring
1. Maximize the effectiveness of your banner ads.
Don't just use the same ad on every banner, use a
variety to attract the greatest number of clickers.
2. Make your web site load much faster by cutting
down on banner ads and start using more buttons.
Button ads are also smaller and take up less space.
3. Offer free advertising space to well known and
respected companies on your web site. Sometimes
people link their business credibility to yours.
10 Hot Ways To Sell Your Products Like Crazy
1. Turn your ad copy into a story or article. Your
visitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad and
will become more interested in your product.
2. Give visitors a freebie for filling out your online
survey or they usually won't. Surveys will give your
business valuable intelligence for your business
3. Enhance the power of your ad copy benefits by
using attention getting words, highlighting keywords,
using color, bolding key phrases, underlining, etc.
Monday, September 6, 2010
10 High-Impact Viral Marketing Strategies
Viral Marketing is allowing people to giveaway and
use your free product or service in order to multiply
your marketing quickly over the internet. The idea
behind viral marketing is that you include your ad
with the freebie people giveaway or use. Below are
ten high impact viral marketing strategies:
1. Allow people to reprint your articles on their web
site, in their e-zine, newsletter, magazine or ebooks.
Include your resource box and the option for article
reprints at the bottom of each article.
2. Allow people to use any of your freebies as free
bonuses for products or services they sell. Include
your ad on all your freebies.
3. Allow people to use your online discussion board
for their own web site. Some people don't have one.
Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.
10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales
1. When you make your first sale, follow-up with the
customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you"
email and include an advertisement for other products
you sell. You could follow-up every few months.
2. You could upsell to your customers. When they're
at your order page, tell them about a few extra related
products you have for sale. They could just add it to
their original order.
3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to
your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their
purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales.
Fast-Track Your Journey to Home Business Success
Just a few short years ago, I was a working stiff just like you.
One day, I bought and read a book called "Multiple Streams of
Income" by bestselling author, Robert Allen. Immediately, I
began my journey.
Every night after work and after my wife and children went to
sleep, I would get online and explore different ways of using the
Internet to make money.
In the two years that followed, I spent over $10,000 racking up
credit card debt buying eBooks, membership sites, special
reports, opt-in leads, and joining every "guru" recommended
business opportunity that flew into my email inbox.
Friday, July 30, 2010
How to Win the Advertising and Promotion Game
I am certain that, as a business owner, you have often
entertained the question as to how much to spend and where to
spend your advertising dollars. For most small business owners,
these questions can add to the headaches suffered in the course
of normal everyday operations of their business.
The how much to spend and where to spend it questions have no
easy answers.
Depending on your type of business, many people suggest that the
*how much* should be equal to anywhere from 4% to 10% of your
gross receipts.
The quandary is that a business cannot survive without a fresh
flow of incoming customers. But, a business can seldom generate
a fresh stream of customers without spending money to get the
word out about their business.
Have you ever paid for advertising and sat back to await the
fresh flow of customers, only to find yourself sitting and
sitting and then sitting some more?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Internet Promotion Techniques 101
Did you realize there are only three types of online
promotion?... This statement may seem odd and even untrue in
your mind, but I am speaking in more general terms than you
might be thinking.
Let me explain.
The three types of promotion are Junk, Active and Passive
Offline Promotion Strategies 101
Did you realize there are only three types of online
promotion?... This statement may seem odd and even untrue in
your mind, but I am speaking in more general terms than you
might be thinking.
Let me explain.
The three types of promotion are Junk, Active and Passive
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Understanding the Difference between Marketing & Promotion
Are you an online marketer? Or do you simply promote affiliate
programs? Marketing is truly the most misunderstood word in use
today on the Internet. Let me see if I can clarify this issue
just a bit.
In Marketing 101 at your local university, marketing is actually
the process of Product, Place, Price and Promotion.
No business can exist without a product or service to sell.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Networking Your Home Business within Circles of Influence
where do you turn for help? Sure, some people turn to the yellow
pages. But most will turn to friends and family and ask if they
know of anyone who can do the work.
The best place for your business to be positioned is to be the
business on the tips of the tongues of the people asked to make
the referral.
Preachers, funeral directors and people in a few other
professions have learned "the 300 rule" through their own
personal experience.
Advertising Your Home Business on a Budget
When you are starting out in a new home business and no one
knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face
is how to drum up new business.
If there were not people in your community or marketplace that
you knew who needed your products or services, you probably
would not have started your business to begin with. But, once
you have talked to those who you personally knew who needed your
what you offer, then your next task is to find others who will
help keep your doors open.
Many people know that they must turn to advertising at some
point in the future, but they hope that day will be long down
the road. For some, this utopian concept will come to fruition.
But for the rest of us in the real world, we must come up with
creative solutions for meeting our home business advertising
needs while working within our budget.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
5 No's You Shouldn't Do To Making Money Success In Blogging
Try to make money from blogging? Here are 5 No's you shouldn't do to gain success :
1. Too lazy to update your blog
Blog is identic with a site that periodically must have something new.
If you have decided to make money with blog, then the first thing you must
deeply consider is how to make your blog always have fresh content. You can
do it either by yourself, or hire someone to write the content for you. It's just
about consistency and your persistence to take care of it. But please avoid
unethical ways like simply copy & paste.
2. Don't want to know anything about SEO
Whatever the reason, if you have a web site or blog, SEO remains an important
thing for you to learn. Of course community (see 3rd point below) is also important,
but SEO is the cheapest (while also most effective) way to search and attract
candidate for your community. You may have hundred thousand dollars to put the
campaign in newspapers or other media, but in term of community membership,
conversion value of visitors that come from the campaign is less than they who come
through the search engine. You don't have to believe me, just prove it by yourself.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Finding Your Home Business Niche
When some folks begin to think about a business of their own,
they know in that very moment what kind they are going to start.
Then, there are the rest of us...
Knowing that we want to have a business of our own is not
enough. Many of us have struggled with the important question of
what type of enterprise we would like to start.
Franchises offer a simple pre-packaged money making idea, but
the cost of a franchise often makes it a prohibitive option to
most folks who contemplate going out on their own.
For those who do not have a million dollars to buy a McDonalds
franchise, we must look to other ideas for our own business.
Your Home Business: Turning Pennies into Dollars
Henry Ford taught us that to simplify the manufacture of
automobiles, that the best way to do so was to install the
assembly line. That one change revolutionized the auto
manufacturing industry permitting the industry to build cars at
a cost whereas the average person could afford to buy one.
The lesson we should take from this is that having the ability
to improve the process of getting the job quicker and cheaper,
without compromising the quality of the job being done, will
help catapult the person who simplified the process to the top
of his/her field.
Pennies saved in your home business can turn into dollars at the
end of the day, and dollars can quickly multiply into hundreds
or thousands of dollars over time.
Starting Your Home Based Business On A Shoestring Budget
Whether seeking a supplemental income or a full-time income,
many folks have undertaken the task to discover a viable home
based business solution to meet their personal needs.
For most folks who contemplate a home business, a low-cost or
no-cost solution is not only nice, but also very necessary. Many
also seek to find a home business that will permit them to
maintain their regular day job in order to protect their base
Taking the cautious approach to a home based business and
keeping one`s job during the start-up period is often a very
good decision. By maintaining one`s job, one can maintain the
health of their personal finances while permitting their home
business grow healthy and strong.
Advertising Your Home Business on a Budget
When you are starting out in a new home business and no one
knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face
is how to drum up new business.
If there were not people in your community or marketplace that
you knew who needed your products or services, you probably
would not have started your business to begin with. But, once
you have talked to those who you personally knew who needed your
what you offer, then your next task is to find others who will
help keep your doors open.
Many people know that they must turn to advertising at some
point in the future, but they hope that day will be long down
the road. For some, this utopian concept will come to fruition.
But for the rest of us in the real world, we must come up with
creative solutions for meeting our home business advertising
needs while working within our budget.
How to Stay Focused on Your Home Business Goals
When you are the owner of a home business, you will find
hundreds of distractions that vie for your time, energy and
Common distractions include: children, family, friends,
neighbors, pets, phone calls, mail, household chores, video
games, television, neighborhood children, visitors, and so many
As an owner of a home based business, you must always remember
your purpose in bringing your profession home. What was your
reason for wanting to own a home business? Was your goal to work
from home so that you can share in the lives of your children?
Was your goal to be out from under the rule of a tyrannical
boss? Was your goal to have the freedom to work when it is
convenient for you? Was your goal to make tons of money working
for yourself?
Here`s a few good tips that will help you stay focused on your
home business:
Make the Leap to Home Business Success
Before you can have a successful home based business, you must
first possess 3 "intangibles." These are things that must come
from WITHIN you.
Intangible 1
First,you must have a strong WHY.
Why MUST you have a successful home business? What is driving
you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore and/or
what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?
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