Easy Affiliation!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Innovative Ways To Use Your Autoresponder

1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get
an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who
requests information from your autoresponder.

2. Publish a price list of all the products and services
that you offer. You could also include order forms,
product descriptions, and other sales material.

3. Publish free reports in autoresponder format. The
reports should be related to your business or web site.
Giving away free stuff will quickly increase your traffic.

4. Collect vital customer satisfaction information by
publishing a survey in autoresponder format. This type
of information will help you serve them better.

5. Instead of answering every customer question that's
e-mailed to you, publish " Frequently Ask Questions" in
autoresponder format. This will save time and money.

6. You could publish your testimonials or endorsements
in autoresponder format if you don't have the room in
your ad copy. It's more effective to include all of them.

7. Provide back issues of your e-zine archives in auto-
responder format. This will give your subscribers and
web site visitors easy access to them.

8. Publish your entire web site in autoresponder format.
Sometimes visitors don't have enough time read your
entire site. They could print it out and read it offline.

9. You could offer your ebook in autoresponder format.
Your visitors won't have to download it or have the
software to read it right away.

10. You could publish the terms and conditions to any
business transactions in autoresponder format. This
could include return policies, purchases, refunds etc.