Easy Affiliation!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This 
is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit 
or use a strong close like a free bonus. 

2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your 
web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your 
traffic, sales and e-zine subscribers. 

3. Create multiple streams of income with your web 
site. You could sell your own products, join affiliate 
programs, sell advertising space, etc. 

4. Give your visitors compliments in your ad copy. 
This can earn their trust and put them in a good 
mood, in return they will be easier to sell too. 

5. Create new products or services only if there is 
a strong need for them. You won't have anyone to 
sell them to if you don't have a market. 

6. Sell your backend products to your customers 
right after they order. Take them to a "Thank You" 
web page that includes other products you sell. 

7. Sell a few products on your web site instead of 
selling a large amount of products. To many choices 
can overwhelm your visitors and they won't buy. 

8. Include content and free stuff on your web site 
that promote the products you're selling. If they 
don't read your ads, they may read your offerings. 

9. Remind your visitors that you're human not just 
a web site. You could publish information on your 
family life, a picture of yourself , a profile, etc. 

10. Provide a "Contact Page" on your web site. 
Give your visitors as many options to contact you 
as possible. This'll add credibility to your business.